Forgive us, for we know not what we do
“Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they are doing.” Even on the cross, Jesus pleaded with God to show mercy and compassion toward the stewards of creation because of our short-sightedness and inability to love our neighbor as ourselves. I believe Jesus still intercedes for us with these same words from time to time when our broken systems perpetuate unjust structures. On Monday we learned that Darren Wilson, a police officer in Ferguson, MO, will not be indicted in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. I will admit I am torn about this conclusion. I do not know all the evidence that the grand jury was presented with, nor do I know all of the particulars about this case. But my heart aches for a community torn apart by violence and oppression. While I want to believe that Office Wilson acted as needed in order to protect himself and the community, I can’t accept that no one will be held accountable for an unarmed young man’s death. Forgive u...