For the Unity of the Church
A very extraordinary event took place in a small Virginia town last Monday evening. The Rt. Rev. David Bane, retired bishop of the Diocese of Virginia, was restored to ministry in The Episcopal Church (TEC) by the Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Katharine Jeffert Schori. Bishop Bane “abandoned” the Episcopal Church in 2009 and aligned with the Anglican Church in North America, which has different doctrinal and theological positions than TEC. A good article on the topic can be found here , and the official press release can be found here . We remember from the Catechism, the mission of the Church “is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” (BCP p. 855) Unfortunately, too often worship communities are more interested in deciding who is “in” and who is “out” than on the reconciliation work given to us by Jesus Christ. While I do believe there are rules and standards that we must abide by, we must be careful and loving with how we treat each o...