Wise as Serpents, Innocent as Doves
“See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matthew 10.16 While I was on vacation, St. Barnabas had a visitor come to the church on Sunday. He presented himself has being homeless and in need of help. As Christians, our ingrained responds is one of compassion. We are all broken in some way and in need of God’s love and strength. Unfortunately, there are those that will take advantage of our better nature. This visitor was, in fact, a scam artist and used the compassion showed him for his own selfish gain. I know this situation caused many people discomfort – from not knowing how to respond to a stranger in need, to feeling ashamed for being taken advantage of by a scam artist. Having been in these situations before, I know how that feels and it is disconcerting. First of all, we know that our INTENTIONS are always to do God’s will and offer God’s love in the midst of a broken w...