It's Holy Week
It is my sincere hope that this week, more than any other time of the year, we take a moment to faithfully and honestly consider how our faith matters, how it impacts our lives and (God willing) compels us to live in a certain way – the Way of the Cross. During this Holy Week, we are confronted with the painful truth that there is a cost, a high cost, to following God. We bear witness to how Jesus of Nazareth, an itinerant teacher, preacher and healer, was brutally murdered by the ruling state, in collusion with the religious authorities, because he dared challenge a system that was corrupt and contemptible, worried only about its self-preservation rather than for those to whom it was called to serve. As disciples of Jesus, we, are also called to offer ourselves in service to God’s will, to love as we are loved, especially when it is difficult, hard and against our better judgement. Many in our society may not even be aware that this is Holy Week, although some ma...