The Missional Church
Our Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, has been proclaiming that we are “the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement.” By that, he is reclaiming our identity of being part of the early movement started by Jesus Christ in his earthly ministry and passed on to the apostles and to the communities they helped establish. These communities were not created to begin a new religion, but to follow “the Way,” that is the way of life Jesus preached and taught to his followers – to love God, love your neighbor and love yourself. In our post-Christendom society (i.e. where faith is no longer a priority in many people’s lives), the Church is looking to reclaim relevance and impact. We cannot depend on the model that people will come looking for us because we have something they want. Rather, we need to be more like the members of the early movement and find ways to go out into our community and share Jesus’ message of redemption and love. That sounds ...