
Showing posts from June, 2016

`The kingdom of God has come near to you.'

In our Gospel lesson for this Sunday, Jesus sends 70 apostles out with this message, “The kingdom of God has come near to you.” Luke 10:9 It is a deceptively simple statement with awesome ramifications, should we choose to witness to them.  In light of this weekend also being the celebration of the United States’ independence, it offers a sobering moment of reflection as well. Perhaps it will be helpful to dig a bit deeper into this message. What does the phrase “kingdom of God” or “realm of God” mean?  Is it a place, a destination?  Can we only get there through death? Does it exist in 2016 or only in “biblical times”?  My understanding is that all of Creation is God’s realm, that God’s presence and perfect ordering is expressed in that Creation, of which human beings have been given the great honor to be stewards over it.  However, due to our own limited understanding of God’s presence, we choose to subjugate Creation to our own desires and forget God’s pr...

"Sir, we wish to see Jesus"

These words are spoken by some Greeks attending a festival in Jerusalem to Philip in John 12:21. This scripture quotation is also inscribed on the inside of many pulpits, including (if my memory serves me correctly) at the National Cathedral in Washington DC.   It is a reminder to the preacher of his/her weighty job to offer the presence of Christ in the sermon.   It is also a reminder to all Christians of our duty to seek and see Jesus at all times, in all places and people.   This can be extremely challenging given much of what we are exposed to everyday.   That is why it is crucial for all of us to nurture continually our faith, planting deep roots of relationship with Christ through practices of prayer, worship and reflection. What have you done for your faith lately? Have you made time to pray with your full attention?  Have you sought direction and discerned God’s will?  Have you read Scripture and thought about what it means in your life today?...

Oh Lord, Do Not Leave Us Comfortless

When I woke up last Sunday morning, my mind was filled with all the details involved with preparing for worship and the picnic for St. Barnabas Day. As I glanced at my phone and saw a news notification about the tragic shooting in Orlando, I thought, “Oh, no, not again.”  I didn’t spend much time finding out the details (and they were still sketchy at that point), but I immediately thought that we needed to add a petition to the Prayers of the People about the incident, both as a way to connect what we do in the church building with the greater world and to find some consolation in the midst of such horror. Since Sunday, both our Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, and our Diocesan Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Chip Stokes, have offered statements about the events, which can be found on the St. Barnabas Facebook page ( ).  These are messages of solidarity with our LGBT sisters and brothers, reminders that our Baptismal Covenant include a vo...

In the Garden

“And the   Lord   God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there God put the a-dám whom God had formed.   Out of the ground the   Lord   God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. . . ” Genesis 2: 8-9a I had the wonderful opportunity this week to visit a new program sponsored by Princeton Theological Seminary called “Farminary,” which integrates theological education with small-scale sustainable agriculture.  Working intimately with God’s creation while reflecting both on God’s Word and the produce of that work offers a unique perspective of our (that is human’s) relationship with all of Creation.   I am not a farmer or a gardener.  Most of the time I think I inherited my mother’s “brown thumb." I consider it a victory when I manage to keep house plants alive through both neglect and over watering.  But I am still fascinated by the growing process.  The fact that a seed must “die” in order to...