Lord God, Creator and Redeemer of us all
I remember my first visit to a planetarium. It was a school trip to the Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History in New York City, which was exciting enough. And yet the opportunity to sit in these weird seats while the sky spun around me was truly awesome. I recall feeling really small after that experience (and indeed every time I’ve been to a planetarium since) because the program reminded me of just how small a part I am in an extremely large universe. It puts things into a perspective that is helpful. It doesn’t diminish my cares and occupations to seem meaningless, but it does remind me of just how big God is. God is the Creator of all – ALL – and I doubt we have even scratched the surface of what that means. In the latter part of the Season after Pentecost, we will take the opportunity for the next 5 weeks to highlight in our liturgy what it means to be in relationship with the Creator, what position humans have in Creation, and how w...