
Showing posts from October, 2016

Prayer and Politics

I’m taking a risk today and writing about the election.  My hesitancy isn’t because I may upset some people (I will not endorse any candidate), but that the atmosphere around the election has become so emotionally charged that well-intentioned people find it difficult to even think about politics without feeling anxious, suspicious or even fearful.  We cannot, as Christians, accept that type of human-created fear.  Regardless of who is elected this year, we need to claim our joy as Christians and do what we should do best - PRAY! Forward Movement, the publishing house that prints Day by Day and many other evangelism resources, saw an opportunity to call upon all Christians, especially Episcopalians (it is an Episcopal institution), to offer prayer for our country, our elected officials and ourselves for 30 days prior to the election.  That started last Sunday on October 9 th , so I apologize for being 4 days late, but I know God will forgive.  You can find...

Storms and Seeds

I am mindful that as I write this, there are many in Haiti who are facing catastrophe on a scale which I am completely unfamiliar.  For those whose lives have been reduced to the core of simple survival, we pray you feel God’s presence. For those in the Bahamas and lands further north preparing for the storm, we pray you feel God’s mercy.  For those who are mobilizing to respond to the needs of all those affected by Hurricane Matthew, we pray for God’s speed.  If you feel prayer is not enough, I encourage you to offer a donation to Episcopal Relief and Development  or the Red Cross.  Such a storm reminds us of the barest parts of our faith, seeking to find meaning that can sometimes disappoint.  Why would a loving God hit such a poor nation with yet another disaster in less than a decade?  Some will offer (erroneously, I believe) that sin caused such a situation.  I do not believe that the Haitians are any worse or bet...