People don’t change – until they do.
Today the Church remembers the Conversion of St. Paul, perhaps one of the most vividly described events in the Book of Acts. In Chapter 9, we meet Saul, “breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord.” (9:1) This is the Saul that held the coats of those that stoned Stephen to death. He did everything he could to crush the fledgling religious movement of the Way, but it still kept growing. No one meeting Saul would have ever thought he would become Jesus’ greatest advocate. But he did. The Risen Christ literally stopped Saul in his tracks on his way to Damascus and asked, “Why do you persecute me?” Saul was struck blind and must be helped to bed in the aftermath of this dramatic encounter. Only when Ananias – a faithful disciple yet still full of trepidation to meet the sworn enemy of the Jews – lays hands on Saul and prays for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit does Saul transform into Paul, a fierce defender of Christ. It i...