
Showing posts from February, 2017

Blinded by the Light

It starts in Advent when we hear the prophesy of the “people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.”  Christ’s birth is heralded by both the shining Star of Bethlehem and the glory of the heavenly hosts. Then throughout the season of Epiphany, the metaphor of light is used to talk about Jesus and his ministry is anything but subtle as all that has been promised is fulfilled.  Jesus is the “light to the nations,” as well as the lamp not hidden under the bushel basket. The climax and culmination of this season is the story of the Transfiguration, which we hear each year on the Last Sunday of Epiphany, when Jesus is transformed before three of his disciples and “his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white.” (Matthew 17:2) It is an awesome and profound event which leaves Peter, James and John a bit stunned. I was intrigued to learn that some celebrities and other notables wear sunglasses not only because they look “cool,” but also to protect th...

Top 10 Ways to Live a Holy Life

Supposedly it is part of human nature that when one is told NOT to do something, the desire to do the forbidden thing is heightened. While it might be more expedient to state what behavior is not wanted, the relationship then seems to then be framed in punitive terms rather than permissive.  That might be why so many people find the “10 Commandments” a bit authoritarian, even over-bearing.   I find that the re-framing of the 10 Commandments offered in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (p. 847-848) is more conducive to the expansive and intimate relationship God desires to have with us and we yearn to have with God.  The intention of the Commandments is the same, however they focus on what we should be doing that then on what we shouldn’t: To love and obey God and to bring others to know God To put nothing in the place of God;   To show God respect in thought, word, and deed;   And to set aside regular times for worship, prayer, and the study of God’s wa...

Happy Feast of the Presentation

A colleague of mine sent out an email on February 2 nd wishing everyone, “Happy Groundhog Day! Happy National Heavenly Hash Day! Happy Sunny Thursday! Happy National Wear Red Day Eve!”  This was somewhat amusing, but he also forgot a significant feast of the Church (which I am not sure his tradition recognizes, so he is forgiven.  Unfortunately, I also forgot about it last week when I wrote my blog, so I must correct that oversight this week in order to retain my liturgical cred. The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (a.k.a. Candlemas) gets over looked by most Americans because of the tradition of Groundhog’s Day.  It is (or was) a major feast of the Church. It is 40 days after we celebrate Christ’s birth, and is the usually time when a Jewish family would bring their firstborn son to the temple to present him for service or pay a “redemption” in order to keep him.  This is an old Jewish custom called pidyon haben , in which families had to offer...


My father loved salt.  He used to put salt on regular Triscuits.  A friend once gave him a salt lick for his birthday.  While he had lots of medical issues, salt did not cause a one of them (and it is not really salt that is the issue, but sodium; however, I digress).  I can’t say for sure, but I believe my father’s love affair with salt harkens back to his childhood, to food that was rather bland.  He said his mother considered ketchup “spicy.”  For centuries, salt has not been considered exotic – it is just a basic table condiment that many reach for automatically, sometimes before even tasting the food! Salt is so ubiquitous that it is used to make sure the poor of the world receive enough iodine in their diet to prevent other illnesses.  Yet we also know (many of us through unfortunately experience) that too much salt is awful.  It can make food inedible, corrode metal and sting if it meets an open wound or eye. All of our experience ...