What Do We Do Now?
For anyone who has had a loved one die, finding a new “normal” is part of our grief work. It takes time to learn how to live without that person’s presence. If s/he was someone that had needed care, one might find having more time than one knows what to do with during the day. If s/he was killed in a tragic way, the sudden loss takes years to adjust to and re-order one’s life. Jesus’s death was as ignominious as it could have been, a state-sponsored execution that took hours to accomplish. His compatriots scattered but eventually found each other again to being their grief work, only to have Jesus’s resurrection change everything. The disciples are given a reprieve of their grief by Jesus’s reappearance in their lives, and for 50 days they enjoy his presence once again. But more importantly – and urgently – Jesus is there with a message of love and purpose. It is not one of recrimination or shame, but of faith, hope and love. All that Jesus said would ...