Discerning our Common Call
What does it mean to be a Christian in the 21 st Century? What does it mean to be part of a church that has a hierarchical structure like the Episcopal Church? What does it mean to be a “Diocese”? These are all important questions with no simple answers, but ones we must be brave enough to engage. The reality is that the way we do “church” is changing, even since I was ordained 12 years ago! While the majority of Americans still believe in “God” (or some mystic entity), most don’t go to church or another religious institution. That is partially because the institutions have let people down, but also because priorities of life have changed. People, especially children, are busy ALL THE TIME. There is little to no “down” time to just be (which is kinda ironic, since that is part of developing our spiritual lives, but I digress). We can look at the changing dynamics and fear what that means for the future, because it won’t loo...