Sighs too deep for words
From the moment I heard that Bishop George Councell had suffered a stroke, my heart ached and my spirit hurt. It was difficult watching (admittedly from the sideline) this incredible man deal with the physically debilitating affects of Parkinson’s disease, but the cognitive diminishment was worse. For anyone who has had to witness a loved one loose themselves by inches with the loss of mental acuity and memory, I stand in awe of your courage, patience and fortitude. I met George at General Theological Seminary in NYC during my first year. He was the newly elected, although not yet consecrated, Bishop of New Jersey. The Committee on the Priesthood had brought him up to meet those of us in seminary that he was “inheriting.” We each had about half an hour in a small room to talk with him. I offered my story, to which George patiently listened. I mentioned that my father, a great man himself but brought up by a stoic German to be stoic himself, ...