What I Learned at the 79th General Convention
For the third time, I was blessed to be a deputy from the Diocese of New Jersey to the democratic legislative body of the Episcopal Church known as General Convention (GC). Once every three years, this Church gathers from across the world to reflect to our branch of the Jesus Movement and discern if we are doing what God is calling us to do. We do this in good order through a legislative process that may seem confining, and yet allows for many ideas and voices to be heard. This GC had a record number of resolutions – almost 500 were acted on by either Concurrence (both the House of Bishops and House of Deputies passed it with the same wording), Rejection (did not pass one house with a majority vote), Referring to an Interim Body (sent to a Committee or Commission established by the Executive Council), or Take No Further Action (usually means it was dealt with by another resolution). Several of the Resolutions were of significant importance, especially A068...