"Sound of sheer silence"
The Lord said to Elijah, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord , for the Lord is about to pass by.’ Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the Lord , but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence . 1 Kings 19:11-13 A year ago today, most of us woke up to that strange “sound of sheer silence” after Superstorm Sandy blew through. There was something holy in that silence, even with all the downed trees and power lines, and water being places it shouldn’t be. Nature gave us its worst, and we survived. People and places still bear the scars from the storm, but we survived and prevailed. God was and is with us in these trying times. Anniversaries offe...