Health - A State of Being

In honor of St. Luke the Physician, whose feast day is October 18th, we will be having a Healing Service for our Sunday Worship this Sunday, October 20th.  The service includes the opportunity for the congregation members to come forward for laying on of hands and prayers.  It is an ancient tradition found in the Book of James (5:14) to gather the community together with the special intention of seeking health.
What is health?  In our modern context, it is usually considered something we possess, such has having good health.  It is also something we pursue as we expend lots of effort (and money) to "get healthy." It is something we measure and quantify through scales and blood tests, charts and ranges, but in someways, all those numbers distance us from the what true health is?
I offer to you a different way of thinking about health - as a state of being of not only yourself but all of creation.  To be "healthy" is to be one with the Creator, the one who made this incredible system in which we live.  That system gets thrown off balance when we, the created, are left to our own devices because we don't really understand how the balance was made. 
The Good News is that we don't have to understand all of it in order to be an active, beneficial participant in creation. We have the testimony of Jesus Christ, who came to earth to preach, teach and HEAL.  God's healing presence is bringing creation back into its right order and balance, to a place where there is no sorrow or pain - only life everlasting (Revelation 21:4).
How does thinking about health as a state of being change our approach to health? First of all, I hope it will cease a need to "chase" after good health.  Being healthy starts inside each of us, not on a scale or in test results.  We can start by breathing! A deep breath calms our hearts and quiets our minds (as well as been shown to decrease blood pressure).  It also reconnects us to God's Spirit, the Breath of God that moved over creation at the very beginning.  Breathing literally helps us be who we are meant to be!
From there, we have the opportunity to look at the balance of our life - how and what we eat, our sleep patterns, and our awake patterns (physical activity, work, play, etc.).  Is something out of balance there?  By not eating what God intended (processed food, lots of salt and sugar), we are throwing our bodies, God's incarnate temple, out of balance.  And what we eat effects everything we do!  Not sleeping well?  No energy to work or play?  Could be you are not getting the right nutrients to feed your system.  
Stress is actually a necessary part of our lives, or we would do nothing. Yet we all know that too much stress or unhelpful stress is damaging to our bodies, minds, souls and spirit.  Consider the stressors in your life.  What is motivational and what is damaging?  Where can God's presence affect positive change (i.e. health) in a situation?  It could be there is nothing you can do, which means you need to "lay that burden down." Worrying about something you can change is unhealthy stress.  Avoiding something you can change is equally unhealthy.  These are the situations that can be helped by taking to a priest, if the problem is spiritual, or a therapist, if the problem is psychological. I am ALWAYS available to talk! I am never that busy (or if I am, I WILL call you back as soon as I can). 
As we prepare to gather for our community worship on Sunday, I invite you to take 5 minutes to think about your state of well-being.  Where is your health out of balance?  Where can you ask for God's healing presence to come into your life and make you whole?  Then come forward on Sunday for prayers and we will lift our desires to God - who already knows what we need, but likes to know we know it as well!


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