Justice For All
In The American Way of Poverty: How the Other Half Still Lives , author Sasha Abramsky offers a disturbing look at America’s dirty little secret – that there are many people who don’t have the means to live in the richest country in the world. Since the economic bust of 2008, more and more people are having to deal with choosing between food or medicine, heat or insurance. Abramsky has complied many stories of people that are not different from you and me whose life circumstances don’t seem to allow them a break. One bad illness and medical bills overwhelm those who were struggling to begin with. These stories struck a chord with me as my family was in a similar situation. When my father changed jobs, the new insurance considered my mother’s cancer a “preexisting condition” and would not pay for her treatment. By the time she died, the medical bills were very high and would have bankrupted most of the people mentioned in Abramsky’s book. Due to m...