Happy International Benefit Dinner

On Saturday, after thousands of hours of planning and preparation from many people, we will gather at the South Brunswick Senior Center to celebrate part of what makes St. Barnabas unique, as well as endeavor to further the kingdom of God.

International - when I was a child, there were a series of educational segments called "School House Rocks."  Most of them were great with catchy tunes that helped us learn about parts of speech, the legislative process, scientific principles and social awareness.  In that last category, there was segment that celebrated "The Great American Melting Pot."  When I heard that an 9 year old, I thought that was wonderful, all of us coming together and being formed into one.  However, as I grew older, I realize that the "melting pot" metaphor was not a good image, as the undefined intention was to get everyone to look and act like a white, anglo-saxon protestant. The metaphor of a mosaic is much more apt, as we keep our individuality while creating a whole that is more beautiful and awesome because of it.  It does require us to both understand what we cherish about our culture and point of view while inviting the "other" into that understanding.  It can be very vulnerable to engage in such an endeavor, as the "other" might reject us.  Yet, as Christians, we feel compelled by Jesus to risk what is most important in order to proclaim the kingdom of God, made up of ever tribe and language and people and nation.  The beautiful mosaic that forms St. Barnabas is an awesome testament to that hope we have that we can all know God better by knowing each other.

Benefit - at its lowest common denominator, this event is a fundraiser, and our biggest fundraiser of the year.  It is a big part of our operating budget that allows us to offer some (not all!) of the ministries we have at St. Barnabas.  It does benefit our community, but it also benefits those whom we are able to reach out to with those resources.  In the past, St. Barnabas has support such programs like G.O.A.L. in African or Women Aware in New Brunswick.  However this program also helps fund our giving to the diocese, which allows for youth programs, anti-racism programs and support of The Episcopal Church that has programs and ministries throughout the Anglican Communion.  The benefit in all of this is recognizing that we are connected to people close to home and far away.  They will never know the efforts that went into our support, but WE are benefited by offering this labor of love to be able to support them in some way.  Please use that in prayer as we make our final preparations, that we will all reap the spiritual as well as financial benefits of this event.

Dinner - we love to eat!  It is a necessary part of our incarnate nature AND it is an opportunity to share (as I mentioned above) something that is important to who we are with others.  Yet the social interaction is more than just eating - it is table fellowship.  Many of the Bible's great teachings are around food (or the lack of it) and how we are invited into a closer relationship with God and each other through that fellowship.  This is an opportunity to build community and share a great feast while doing so.  Let us enjoy all of the exotic tastes and smells and textures that celebrates our diversity at the common table.  This is  the kingdom of God right here and right now.  I look forward to sharing that with you and giving thanks to God for all that we have been given.

In Christ,
Rev. Valerie+


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