
Showing posts from April, 2014

Making Final Arrangements

It is something we prefer not to think about, and often avoid the subject all together because it makes us uncomfortable, or there might be a better time to do it later, or . . . The TRUTH is we will all die one day.  It is what our mortal bodies are made to do. It is the natural end to life, yet it is still shrouded with mystery and sadness, which is why we are so good at avoiding the topic or distracting ourselves with life and all its activities. I can tell you from personal experience that when death happens, it interrupts all our regularly scheduled plans, even if the death is expected, even welcomed.   The reality that a loved one is gone changes life. But what makes that moment easier to deal with is KNOWING what arrangements our loved one wanted. As the Church begins our annual remembrance of Jesus’ passion and death during Holy Week, it is a good time to think about our own death and what arrangements we want.  This is not a morbid fascination with deat...

Walk faithfully with Christ, and he will walk faithfully with you

When the idea of expounding upon the fruit of the Spirit throughout Lent was taking shape, I immediately knew that I wanted to “save” the fruit of faithfulness for Holy Week. There is an organic connection between the dramatic emotional journey we engage in during this time and our desire for faithfulness in lives, especially during difficult and trying times. Although the triumphant “end” is in sight, we do ourselves a disservice if we neglect our spiritual development if we do not walk with Jesus from the celebratory entry into Jerusalem, to the Passover table, to the garden and to the cross. Our own faithfulness is inspired and bestowed upon us through Jesus’ sacrifice. All of the fruit of the Spirit are clearly present in Jesus’ life and actions.  He is the embodiment of what it looks like to live according to God’s will and how it allows us to be closer to God.  Yet the Gospels show us that it is not easy to follow God’s will, even when you are God incarnate.  A...