All Saint's Day - A Family Reunion
Family reunions are not a part of my life experience. My mother was an only child and my father’s family lived far enough away that we didn’t visit much. On those rare occasions when we did visit – usually around a death or wedding – I felt surrounded by strangers who shared stories I didn’t know. I knew I was connected to these people in some way, but it didn’t feel organic, like when I was with my nuclear family. There are times when coming to church can feel that way, knowing that all the people in the space are connected, but not quite knowing how to tap into those underpinning narratives. While we sense a familial bond, like I did at those long ago family gatherings, we also feel disconnected because we don’t necessarily know each other’s stories. Yet we know we are connected by our shared Christian story. We come together baptized into the Body of Christ, sharing the identity of being God’s beloved children. We tell the stories of faith pas...