Ockobertfest of Ministry!
Being of German heritage, the idea of an Ocktober
Fest appeals to me, although I don’t drink much beer nowadays (too much
gluten!). We can, however, re-purpose
this time of enjoying the fruits of our labors in other ways. It seems especially fitting to do so during
our discernment time about Stewardship to consider all the gifts and talents
God has given us and how we can give those back in service to God.
Yes, we need financial resources in order to run an
organization, but we also need energy and enthusiasm in order to do the work
God has given us to do. It may be
helpful to discern where our gifts and talents can be the most helpful by first
knowing what our gifts and talents are.
In Scripture, these are known as “spiritual gifts” and are described by
Paul in several of his letters. A condensed
list is:
Administration, Apostleship, Discernment,
Evangelism, Exhortation, Faith, Giving, Healing, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy,
Shepherd, Prophecy, Serving/Ministering, Teaching, and Wisdom.
In the St. B’s News, we have
included a link to a short questionnaire that will help you learn what your
spiritual gifts are, where your talents lie. We encourage you to do the questionnaire
to learn your gifts. The next step is understanding how to use that information
in order to support the ministries of St. Barnabas.
If you learn you have a gift of
Serving/Ministering, perhaps you will be willing to serve as a Reader,
Chalicer, Acolyte, or on the Altar Guild.
If you have gifts in Leadership, maybe you would consider serving on the
Vestry. If you have gifts in Teaching and Administration, you might consider
serving as the Director of our Vacation Bible School Program. Please note that these are examples and you
are not limited by these suggestions. In
fact all the spiritual gifts can be used in most ministries in our church as
all gifts are needed. Some aptitudes make some ministries feel more natural,
but what is most needed is a willing heart.
On Sunday, October 25th,
we will have an “Ocktoberfest of Ministry” during Coffee Hour following the
10:30 AM service. This will give you an opportunity
to learn more about the various ministries at St. Barnabas, what is needed and
how you can support those needs. By
knowing you spiritual gifts, it may be easier to discern what God is calling
you to do to serve God’s mission. Some
examples of those ministries are: Acolyte, Acolyte Master, Altar Guild, Choir,
Bell Chimes, Chalicer, Coffee Hour Host, Greeter, Usher, Vestry Member, Warden,
Sunday School Teacher, Fellowship Coordinator, Fundraising, and Outreach (we’ll
have a complete list on Sunday). If you
have any questions, those who currently do those ministries will be available
to answer any questions.
We are aware of changing customs
when taking on a ministry. You are not
expected to do a certain ministry for the many years. We ask you to make a commitment for at least
one year to see if your gifts and God’s needs support each other. If so, wonderful, then you can reevaluate
after another year. After three years,
we encourage you to find another ministry so you can grow or take a break
without feeling burned out.
Offering our time and talents
is just as important as offering financial support and we encourage you to make
a formal commitment on a Ministry Card that can be offered on Commitment
Sunday, November 15th, with your pledge card. We hope you will take some time to discern
your spiritual gifts and then offer them back to God.
Thank you all for your
In Christ,
Rev. Valerie+
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