Gazing at the Glory of God
Each year, no matter how long the season of Epiphany is, the Sunday before Ash Wednesday is when the Lectionary appoints the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration. I think of this as the Church’s way of preparing the faithful for the intense journey of Lent by reminding us of what waits at the end – being in the glorious presence of God manifest in the Resurrected Christ. No matter the trails that we encounter in life, we are empowered with that knowledge that God is with always. The paradox we encounter is that we humans want to be reassured of God’s presence in our life and yet terrified of the revelation of God’s glory. We see it in the story of Moses covering his face with a veil because he glowed after being in God’s nearer presence. In the story of the Transfiguration, Peter is so befuddled by the experience that he wants to build booths for Jesus, Moses and Elijah to live in rather than acknowledging his deep fear of what God needs him to do – follow J...