Year Round Stewardship
I am grateful to The Episcopal Network for Stewardship for the great work they do in providing research and materials on stewardship. For 2019, they have chosen "Shining Our Light" as the theme, which is fantastic, especial for the season of Epiphany. Here is the Epiphany message from the Executive Director, Richard Felton.
The light of God’s love as manifest in the birth, life,
death, and resurrection of Jesus can shine brightly only through us — through
our worship, our service and our generosity.
season of Epiphany is a pathway to discovery. We see this first in the three
sages who represent “different parts of Asia, Africa or Europe” in the words of
David Keck, chaplain at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, writing in
Christianity Today:
Jerusalem is at the intersection of these three great continents, it is easy to
understand how the three can represent the three portions of the known world
coming together to pay homage.
is, then, the depiction of an extraordinary hope: the peoples of the earth
coming together united in their recognition of what’s important, all offering
gifts to the ruler of the universe.”
therefore, is also a season of hope. Hope in the birth of a poor child, a
refugee whose family must flee a brutal king. Hope in this child’s life as he
grows up, is baptized and anointed as God’s own. Hope in his teachings of love,
compassion, welcome, healing, and forgiveness.
hope, and light are the essence Epiphany. As followers of Jesus, we are called
to revel in the discovery, live in the hope, and joyfully share the light. We
can discover new ways to worship and serve. We can earnestly hope and work for
peace and healing. We can let Christ’s light flow through us to brighten the
communities around us.
“Let your light so shine before others, that people will see your good
works and give glory to God.” — Matthew 5:16. For Reflection: How could you share the Light of Christ more joyfully in your community?
Thank you for the good stewardship of all the resources God has given us at St. Barnabas.
In Christ,
Rev. Valerie+
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