Christmas Reborn
Since hearing about the tragic events in Newtown, CT last Friday, I have had a lump in my stomach and an ache in my heart. Our souls cry out at the lose of the innocent and brave. We grieve for people we have never met, for a community where we have never lived. The bond of our humanity is enough to be touched by such pain. And we wish we could make it go away. I think that is the reason why I heard that some neighbors of those who lost a loved one thought it was the right thing to take down their Christmas decorations. They felt that it was "wrong" to be joyful in the midst of such aguish. While I can understand that line of thinking, I would adamantly recommend against it because taking down the decorations because it won't undo the events and it invites the darkness to over come us. The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, The Most Rev. Katharine Jeffert Shori, wrote a wonderful op ed for The Huffington Post in respons...