Annual Meeting or Family Reunion?

As an incorporated entity in the State of New Jersey, St. Barnabas is required by law to have and Annual Meeting to review the status of the body as well as elect members to serve on the governing board, what we call a Vestry (an arcane term that is taken from the room in which that group would meet and usually where the priest would “vest” as well).  It is vital for the Episcopal Church’s form of polity and governance that the laity exercise just as much leadership and direction as the clergy in order for the Church to fulfill its purpose “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” (BCP p. 855)

Yet the idea of an Annual Meeting can fill people with a sense of dread as a boring time filled with data, statistics and financial concerns (rather than spiritual ones). It may behoove us to consider this time as a Family Reunion – the one time of year when the entire congregation - 8:30ers and 10:30ers are in one place at one time. We have the opportunity to see people we don’t see very often and celebrate the good work we have accomplished and begin to plan for what we want to do next.  And – as an important part of any family gathering – there will be FOOD!  What a better way to come together after breaking the bread that is the Body of Christ then to eat some good food.

In many ways we are living into the true reality of what it means to be incorporated.  We are literally putting flesh on an idea.  We give breath to the Body of Christ, give form and function to the nebulous ideal of “unity with God.”  We eat the spiritual Body and Blood to feed our souls, and enjoy pot luck luncheons to feed our bodies and minds to continue the work God has called us to do. 

So come to our Family Reunion on Sunday, January 26th following the 10:30 AM service.  Bring something to share at the family table and let us have a time to review what we have been up to and where we are going.  It is a time of celebration, to be incorporated to do God’s work in the world by sharing God’s transforming love.

In Christ,

Rev. Valerie+


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