Live from Salt Lake City!

Flat Jesus sends greetings from Salt Lake City!  I was hanging out with him at the Temple Square of the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS – which is what they prefer to be called rather than Mormons).  The building behind FJ is the Assembly Hall, built in 1880 with granite left over from the construction of the main Tabernacle.  The building is as beautiful inside as it is outside.  We met Sister Bennett from Canada, who talked a bit about the building and what it was used for – mostly presentations.  She also reminded us to think about Jesus Christ as we walked the grounds and reflected on the blessings in our lives. 
Granted we were on the property of a church, so it shouldn’t be surprising for someone to talk about Jesus.  In fact it was very refreshing to hear someone be open about her faith and share that with visitors.  It was a testament to knowing one’s story and being willing to share that with others.
While I don’t claim to agree with most of the teachings of the LDS, I do appreciate and even envy their commitment to witnessing – sharing their faith in authentic ways – with others.  I don’t expect Episcopalians will ever evangelize door to door like the Jehovah’s Witness or proselytize like the Evangelicals, we have much to learn from our brothers and sisters who know how to tell their faith story, what their faith means to them and how it is a part of their daily lives.
Not everyone has a “conversion” story, especially those of us who were brought up in the Church, for whom attending church has always been part of our lives.  However something makes us keep coming back.  What is that “thing” for you?  When do you feel it or experience it?  That is what we want to share with others.  When we are talking with friends and family about difficult issues or hard times, perhaps you can share how you navigate those times, with prayer or a favorite Psalm or other Scripture passage.  You might even be bold enough and offer to pray with them! 
Knowing our faith story is not just about evangelism, but about knowing how we know God.  I hope you will make some time over the summer to consider your story and how you can share it with others, but most importantly understanding your relationship with God.
Blessings to you all.  Please keep the General Convention in your prayers as we being our work today. 
In Christ,
Rev. Valerie+ 


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