Multi-media Evangelism

As technology becomes more accessible and user friendly, it is important for us in the Church not to eschew it out-of-hand, but engage with it in appropriate and helpful ways.  Indeed, we have been doing that at St. Barnabas over the past month or so, using our projector to show images relating to the Scripture readings and saving paper by projecting the prayers of the people.

The Episcopal Church (that international entity that we are local outlet of) has also embraced a new age of sharing our stories by producing some excellent videos of ministries of the Episcopal Church.  I invite you to take a few minutes and view some of them for yourself and see the creative ways faithful people are engaging in the world today, sharing Christ’s love and hope with all. The videos can be found here.

I mentioned reading Bryan Stevenson’s book Just Mercy a couple weeks ago.  You might be interested in a conversation our State Senator, Corey Booker had with him a couple of weeks ago about his book and work. You can watch the Facebook Live event here.  It is a bit long, but well worth the time.

Please let me know what you think of these videos.  I hope you find them as inspiring as I did.

In Christ,

Rev. Valerie+


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