The Way of Love – GO!

But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body. While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” Luke 12:1-5

After a very busy Holy Week (the week before Easter), I want nothing more than time to rest. Indeed, as I mentioned last week, rest is an important and necessary part of our spiritual life and formation.  Jesus modeled for us that rest was not a luxury, but an integral part of a healthy pattern to life.  And Jesus also taught us that after resting, there is much work to be done and we must GO and do it! 

During Holy Week and Easter, the Church reminds itself of the awesome events that brought Jesus to the cross to be sacrificed for us AND, after 3 days of “rest,” Jesus was raised from the dead.  I always find Luke’s account of the resurrection a bit strange because our guest of honor isn’t even there!  No, he had to GO!  There was work to be done, like reminding some wayward disciples of just how much they are loved and sharing that Good News with everyone.

I do love the question the women are asked by the two men in the tomb, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” That is a great question for all of us to ask about many aspects of our lives, because we spend a lot of time rehashing the past with no hope of changing it. It could be a bad decision or a missed opportunity or a conversation that didn’t go as planned.  Instead of seeking reconciliation or new opportunities, we would rather mourn over what could have been.  At some point we need to realize that we cannot live in the past since it is over. No amount of fantasizing will change it.  We have been given the opportunity to GO and take the next step, as frightening as it might be.

The terms “go” and “went” appear over 500 times in the New Testament alone. I am sure that is not a coincidence. We are not called to stand still and wait for an opportunity to share God’s love.  We need to take more initiative and find those who are in need and offer love and support.  And not to fulfill our own agenda, but to do what Jesus asked us to do – to love one another as he loved (and LOVES) us.

I think we fear GOing because we don’t want to be rejected.  Well, I can guarantee we will be, but that does not mean we shouldn’t GO.  Jesus even prepared his disciples for such rejection by reminding us to offer God’s peace to those who refuse to listen, and then move on to those who want help.  We are not told to condemn or malign, only to love even if it is not wanted.

Yes, this is hard work, which is why GO is the final action in the Way of Love.  We need all the other practices and what they have to teach us to prepare ourselves to GO. But we can’t dawdle, waiting for the “perfect” time.  The time is now! 

We don’t look for the living among the dead.  The past is over – any failures or disappointments are done.  We move forward – we GO into the world rejoicing in the power of the Spirit, which can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.  We GO to be part of God’s great dream for all Creation – to be in a holy relationship with our Creator.  We GO to be part of the Way of Love.  Let’s join Jesus in his mission and GO!

Happy Easter,
Rev. Valerie+


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