Merry Feast of St. Thomas
Lest we move too quickly to the NEXT season of the Church (which is still 4 days away!), we are given a wonderful opportunity in this last week of Advent to remember the apostle Thomas. Unfortunately, he will be forever chained to the moniker “doubting,” which is true in so far as it goes, but doesn’t tell the entire story. Thomas only makes a name for himself in the Gospel of John. He is mentioned in the other Gospels, but only in the list of disciples called by Jesus. However, in John’s Gospel, he is the curious one, asking the questions no one else is brave enough to ask. When Jesus is explaining to the disciples of what will happen after his death, and offhandedly states, “And you know the way to the place where I am going” (John 14:4), it is Thomas who confesses, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” (John 14:5). I think that everyone in the room, except for Jesus, had the same question, but it was only Thomas wh...