
After many hours in transit, I am happy to report that 17 of us from the Diocese of New Jersey have safely arrived in Cape Town, South Africa.  And, even after all of those hours, that is about as much as I have to report!  Fortunately our travel was fairly smooth, even with a rather close connecting flight from Johannesburg to Cape Town.

I did learn that the word "sawubona" is Zulu for "I see you."  It is also the title of the in-flight magazine for South African Airways, as well as a traditional greeting.  It reminds me of the greeting used in the movie "Avatar." I wouldn't be surprised if James Cameron used this melodious language as as inspiration for the Na'vi. It is quite a powerful connection to be seen by someone - just like God sees us in our perfectly imperfect forms and loves us anyway!

The picture above is of Table Mountain, which we will visit tomorrow.  I am sure our hotel (which is very nice!) is somewhere in this picture, but I am not exactly sure where. I cannot see the water from my window, but it is right down the street from the hotel - the South Atlantic Ocean!

I'll be reflecting on our pilgrimage in the coming days as often as possible. So check back soon!

In Christ,
Rev. Valerie+


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